Rabbits and Birds.

Rabbits and Birds

It was an early morning start today.
My son works at a local golf course, as a green keeper
So for him early mornings are the normal.
Today his car lift was on holiday so I took him in.
5.45 is a bit of a shock to the system.
But it certainly had its rewards.
The roads are empty
And the countryside is full of life.
And one of the most amazing sights was a family of rabbits running free at the edge of a field.
Adults and baby rabbits enjoying the morning.
Without cares and worries.
Enjoying the wonder and provision of creation.

As I think about this I am reminded that this is grace.
That grace is the freedom to run and enjoy life knowing that God has provided everything in Christ.
That I don’t have to ask or plead for anything that God has provided for me in grace.
For grace is Christ.
Grace is Christ alive in me.
Grace is Christ poured out for me.
Grace is Christ formed inside me.
Grace is:-
God’s healing alive inside me
God’s provision alive inside me
God’s abundance alive inside me
God’s delieverance alive inside me
God’s love alive inside me.
God’s joy alive inside me
God’s freedom alive inside me
God’s kindness alive inside me
God’s compassion alive inside me
God’s mercy alive inside me
It is his healing power, healing my body, soul and heart.
It is his release freeing me from the captivity of my mind, my emotions and the wounds of life.
It is his power in me from his resurrection life.
Grace is the riches of heaven poured into me.
And it is for freedom Christ has set me free.
Free to live and enjoy his unconditional love.
Free to live in his delight in me.

And God is not finished there.
As I come back and enjoy breakfast.
The morning chorus of birds fills the sky.
A symphony of joy and delight.
Each bird with a unique song
Each bird full of the joy of summer.
It is the unique song of creation.

We each have a unique song that needs to be heard.
God has placed unique gifts and talents into our hearts that He can shine through.
God’s love is expressed in the uniqueness of our lives.
That is the beauty of creation.
That God shines his unconditional love through the beauty of our lives.
We are a living, vibrant building of the glory of God.
God is glorified when we let him shine his love through us.
For love, unconditional love is the answer to the ache and longing of each individual heart.
And love, unconditional love is the answer to the heartache and suffering that surround us and that we live in.
For love shows us that we are all family.
And Christ laid down his life at the cross so that His family could rise with him into glorious, abundant and free everlasting life.
A life that is now in the New Creation of very heart that has a passionate desire to be God’s delight in Christ.
The song we now sing in Christ is a New Creation song of God’s delight alive in our hearts.
For the song of the birds in the morning is a foretaste of the eternal song alive in our hearts.
A unique song that sings out the unconditional love of God.

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